TLOT Projects
Our Current Projects
Every project we’ve had the privilege to be a part of has been a blessing in our lives. Not only did we help serve those in need, but came away with our hearts served. While it may seem like a small undertaking, we’ve dedicated our time and finances to faithfully steward the opportunities that the Lord has placed before us and the following are some of the current projects that our team is actively involved with. As we continue this work, we pray that you will come work alongside us to serve the people who need it most.
Italy Missions
We began serving with the local Ukrainian church in Naples in January of 2022, and the ministry has grown since. What started as street children’s ministry of playing soccer with the kids, doing arts & crafts, and sharing about the gospel turned into a desire to run a series of kids camps for the Ukrainian refugee children living there.
By God’s grace, we’ve now had the opportunity to run three camps and are preparing for our fourth happening this winter. Serving alongside the local Italy team, we’ve seen the hearts of the children being changed and transformed each time.
If you want to join us for a future camp or are interested in longer-term opportunities to serve with the Italy team, contact us and one of our members will reach out with more information.
Greece Missions
We were recently contacted by a local church in Greece that had approximately 50 Ukrainian refugees saved, but no Ukrainian church there to serve them. We’re building a team to go and minister to the refugees this January, but more importantly, are praying that God puts a calling on the heart of a missionary who is willing to move there for at least a year to serve the people there long-term.
We’ll also be sending a second team later this spring, so if you’re interested in joining for either of the two trips, get in touch with us. Continue to keep the community there in your prayers as God works in their hearts.